This is an introduction to one of the loudest, greatest, smelliest, weirdest, obscurist bands ever...TEMPLE OF BON MATIN!!

It is an honor and privilege to both play in T.o.B.M and pay homage to them via this web site. Enjoy your visit! J Reeve




Sat. 10/8 @ On a Lark

Bloomington, IN

Sat. 10/15 @ Lemp Art Center St Louis, MO

Sun. 10/16 @ The Union Athens OH

The long awaited release of Infidel is out now from Spirit of Orr Records and Surefire Distribution.Also new material is being recorded for future release.

Temple of Bon Matin have recently completed a tour of California. Check out Pictures and Live pages for details.





"Ed Wilcox is Sun Ra in a leather jacket" Ron Schniderman Surefire Distribution

"Travel great distances to see them in person, where they're rumored to be hotter than the electric chair" Dave Segal Alternative Press

"The loudest band to ever play CBGB's" Soundman @ CBGB'S

"Ed Wilcox plays drums like Milford Graves and Sunny Murray." Arthur Doyle saxophonist for Milford Graves and Sunny Murray

"Temple of Bon Matin are America's High Rise" The Knitting Factory NYC

"The only band I ever saw here that I liked." Knitting Factory Barmaid

"If a gang of smelly welding students broke into your house, force fed you PCP, tore the place apart, all while some maniac banging on your doors with two ball peen hammers, that would have to be Temple of Bon Matin" Pete Larson Bulb Records

"An audio documentary about the voices in Keith Moon's ghost's head" Ballard Leseman The Flagpole